Are You Smarter Than a Sixth Grader?

Meet Ellie. She’s 11 and she attends school in Wayne, New Jersey where she enjoys, in particular, her science and math classes. The fact that there is an Ellie-of-sixth-grade-enjoying-STEM-enrichment is a testament to the fact that young girls can – and do! – like science, technology, engineering and math…if only they knew this were possible.
Ellie is a smart and confident kid. She’s so smart and confident that she has agreed to show off her smarts for JerseySTEM by challenging you, Reader, to a duel. Ellie will demonstrate her aptitude in instances of each of the four areas of STEM. Read along to see if you know as much as Ellie about science, technology, engineering or math.
We hope you’ve enjoyed testing your knowledge of sixth grade STEM concepts. Furthermore, we hope you’ve seen value in the Ellies of the world gaining access to STEM enrichment.
Ellie – who dreams of one day becoming a marine biologist and working to help whales and porpoises – is fortunate to have wonderful STEM classes and after school programs at her New Jersey school; but many girls aren’t that lucky. That’s why JerseySTEM works to provide mentoring and after school enrichment for middle school girls in underserved communities.
Join us! Thank you.