For Immediate Release
Newark, N.J. and Florham Park, N.J. – August 1, 2023 – Northstar New Jersey and JerseySTEM recently partnered to ensure students at the 13th Avenue School in Newark, New Jersey are able to access critical classroom equipment including, microscopes, slides, molecular model kits, induction cooktops and more. As part of its After School Advantage program, Northstar donated $18,000 worth of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) equipment to JerseySTEM. This technology will enable students to have hands-on experience with chemistry, computer programming, biology and engineering.
“JerseySTEM is thrilled to partner with Northstar New Jersey and accept its donation of critical equipment that will enable us to bring coding and chemistry programs to students in underserved communities.”
– Dennis Boyd, Member, Corporate Development Taskforce, JerseySTEM
“This partnership is an excellent example of how non-profit organizations, such as ours, can combine forces in support of reaching more young students and furthering STEM goals in New Jersey. We thank the entire Northstar New Jersey team and look forward to delivering access to STEM education in underserved communities through our work together.”
“We are pleased to partner with JerseySTEM for this donation, and we support its goal of providing training to help middle school students in underrepresented communities across New Jersey, preparing them for the future. We look forward to continuing our philanthropic efforts in New Jersey for many years.”
– Adam Perlow, Northstar New Jersey Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
“Northstar’s After School Advantage donation to JerseySTEM is exciting for us as we continue demonstrating our dedication to providing New Jersey’s youth with resources and opportunities to further their education and development,” said Adam Perlow, Northstar New Jersey Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.
Northstar’s donation and support will help JerseySTEM identify needs in the community and transform the lives of students at the 13th Avenue School with a focus on STEM education.
About JerseySTEM
JerseySTEM is a non-profit organization seeking to ignite interest in STEM subjects among the underserved youth of New Jersey. Projects that JerseySTEM facilitates include after-school programs, led by college students studying STEM subjects and mentoring programs between corporate sponsor employees and those college students. Visit us at To sponsor a JerseySTEM program, go to our Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities page.

JerseySTEM’s Dennis Boyd (Center Left) accepts a “Foldscope” microscope from Tim Rolwood, Northstar New Jersey (Center Right), as part of an $18,000 equipment donation. Also in the photo are Dr. Maraima Grimes, I Have a Dream Foundation, NJ, and Michael Tierney, JerseySTEM.
About Northstar’s ASA Program
Northstar’s ASA program, which began in 2013 in cooperation with IGT, provides educational opportunities to local children by donating new computers, printers, software, furniture, and volunteer hours to non-profit organizations that sponsor after-school programs statewide. The program aims to narrow the “digital divide” between affluent individuals and minorities, low-income households, and single parent families, to grant more children access to computers and other educational opportunities.

As a global leader in gaming, IGT is committed to building sustainable communities where the Company conducts business worldwide. After School Advantage (ASA), IGT’s flagship community initiative, ensures students have access to participate in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) educational opportunities in digital learning centers, while developing the knowledge and skills for the jobs of tomorrow. For each ASA technology lab, IGT donates new computers, printers, software, furniture, and curricula to qualifying public schools and non-profit agencies Since the launch of the ASA program on April 14, 1999, IGT has installed computer centers in the District of Columbia, Antigua, Barbados, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago, Rhode Island, Texas, Oregon, Georgia, California, Kentucky, Ohio, Arizona, New Jersey, Michigan, Kansas, Wisconsin, New York, Colorado, Missouri, Louisiana, Illinois, New Mexico, Virginia, Idaho, Florida, Tennessee, Nevada, Washington, Indiana, North Carolina, South Dakota, Mississippi and the United Kingdom. For more information about IGT’s ASA program, please visit